23 October 2014

You can live a thousand lives

You can live a thousand lives
A million and a million days
And never know what love is

You can drink all you want
You can eat all you want
And never know how love tastes

You can hear as much music
You can listen as hard as you want
And never hear how love sounds

You can feel all sorts of things
You can touch all sorts of things
And never know how loves feels

You can look around all you want
You can try to open your eyes as hard as you want
And never know what love looks like

I am still young, and I am sure
I haven’t seen, all there is to see
I haven’t felt, all there is to feel
I haven’t tasted, all there is taste
I haven’t heard, all there is to hear

And yet,
This love I have for you
There is nothing bigger
That, I have seen and felt
I heard your heart and mine replied.
Whatever will come,
Whatever life may have in store for me
Whatever it holds in store for us
I am ready
I am not afraid
Because I know what love is
I know I have it with you.
And that will always stay.

A23 // Febr. 15th, 2007

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