23 October 2014


i wish i was a good writer
a poet maybe
to put it all into words
someone to do the feelings i have for you justice
someone who could impress you
and touch your heart like with velvety gloves
with all those clever lines and
those witty rhymes

i wish i was that singer
with that big beautiful voice that
simply breaks your heart
with those fragile notes
those harmonics that float above your head
like my love on little butterfly wings
raining down like warm summer rain

i wish i was that sunset
that burns so bright and red
and almost stings your eyes
you may have seen it a thrillion times
before yet each time makes you gasp
and long and yearn for more

but i am none of that.
i am only me, this tiny little me
and then when i realise
that i do impress you in some
magical way
how in all the world can it be?
how can it be me that you see
that its me who you love
my god this feeling simply
kills me. its impossible.

A23 // Sept.2007

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