23 October 2011

Probably somewhat June 2006

The Mermaid’s Tale

mermaids live in places no one really knows
no human eye has ever seen their world exept mine
I have seen the magical world.
underwater, far away from each human place
I know no one will believe what I saw because
they have never seen what I saw last night

I was thrown into the ocean of my lovers love and
I swam and swam until I was tired but there was no land
from time to time I saw some magical light
twinkling in the distance, ah, that must be the stars reflecting in the night

but as I drew nearer I found out to my surprise
the light shone from deep down below
so I dove, dove down fast and deep
how warm and pleasant the depths were
no one would believe because no one felt what I felt that night

and as I dove swimming strong and looking for the source
of that beaming, twinkling, indulging light
I begin to see the mermaids floating, zooming around me
they look both surprised and curious for they have never seen
a human person diving deep into their world
none of their charms or spells to repel the human eye would work on me
and no one would believe what I saw in that shining dark night

a mermaid man pulled on my feet to see if they were real
he was very young and swam away in excited zooms
I suppose to tell his friends the breaking news
the other, older mermaidpeople looked and smiled at me
they waved and invited me to see their world at night

in the middle of and empty place there stood a mermaid-lamp
twinkling with indulging light shining through the sea
thats what had brought me here
at the bottom of the lamp I can see a form that looks like a
man and this is what I could not believe I saw you there in your sleep

I sank down at your side, you sleeping in the mermaids light
tiny bubbles bubbling from your mouth
I touch your face, your neck, your chest, you are warm and safe
I lean down to kiss you there and lay down at your side, my arms and legs
around you, down in that ocean of love I fell asleep

the mermaids were the only witnesses of our love
no human would ever believe the tale
because this is what they´ve never seen or felt, so how could they ever
the mermaids tell this tale to every baby and they know
it is the tale of the love between you and i.

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